From the romantic comedy series "Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakamatachi" comes a 1/8th scale figure of the ferocious wolf, Ryouko Ookami.
She has been sculpted wearing her school uniform including the personal customizations she made - a torn scarf and slit skirt. She is posed bending forward as she glares down with her imposing eyes...the eyes that are said to be so serious that they could stop a child from crying. It really shows off Ryouko's imposing side.
Enjoy the wild charms of the beautiful Ryouko!
She has been sculpted wearing her school uniform including the personal customizations she made - a torn scarf and slit skirt. She is posed bending forward as she glares down with her imposing eyes...the eyes that are said to be so serious that they could stop a child from crying. It really shows off Ryouko's imposing side.
Enjoy the wild charms of the beautiful Ryouko!
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