From the popular anime series 'Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S' comes a Nendoroid of the teleporting member of Judgement, Kuroko Shirai! She comes with various optional parts such as handcuffs and her schoolbag including her iron arrow holster - allowing for a selection of poses from everyday scenes to combat scenes!
She even comes with an 'Onee-sama~♡' expression as well as some Gekota panties to show just how much she loves Mikoto! Be sure to display her with the previously announced Nendoroid Mikoto Misaka and recreate your favorite scenes from the series!
She even comes with an 'Onee-sama~♡' expression as well as some Gekota panties to show just how much she loves Mikoto! Be sure to display her with the previously announced Nendoroid Mikoto Misaka and recreate your favorite scenes from the series!
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