"Please stay with me forever, Mister Pig." From the anime "Butareba: The Story of a Man Turned into a Pig" comes a scale figure of the Yethma girl Jess in a dynamic pose! The figure features impressive details such as Jess' curves that are visible from under her outfit, as well as her fluttering skirt which reveals her thighs underneath. Additionally, the acrylic base reflects light, allowing the parts of the figure hidden by Jess' skirt to appear brighter. Be sure to add the lovely and adorable Jess to your collection!
Butareba: The Story of a Man Turned into a Pig
©2023 Tokuma Sakai/KADOKAWA, ANIPLEX, BS11
Release Date: 2025-08
Pre-Order Deadline: 2024-05-01
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