From the popular anime series 'PriPara' comes a Nendoroid Co-de of Sophie Hojo wearing her Holic Trick Cyalume Co-de! The outfit is the cyalume co-de of the gothic brand, 'Holic Trick', which suits Sophie's stylish and memorable appearance during live performances! Be sure to display and switch parts between the other previously announced characters in the series - Manaka Laala and Mirei Minami! ♪
Additionally, an original special 'Friends Ticket' that can be used in the PriPara game will also be included! More details about this ticket will be available at a later stage! ♪
Additionally, an original special 'Friends Ticket' that can be used in the PriPara game will also be included! More details about this ticket will be available at a later stage! ♪
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