From the popular romantic comedy anime series, 'Waiting in the Summer', comes a Nendoroid of Ichika Takatsuki, a student who transferred from abroad to Kaito Kirishima's school.
Ichika comes with plenty of optional parts to play with - she comes with both her standard glasses as well as misted-up glasses to display her in a more flustered pose. Rinon, the mysterious creature that accompanied her to Earth is also included along with the suitcase that was used as a transmission device in the series. She even comes with the two puppets that appeared in Kaito's daydreams as well as the ray gun that was used during the filming of a movie in the series!
Ichika comes with plenty of optional parts to play with - she comes with both her standard glasses as well as misted-up glasses to display her in a more flustered pose. Rinon, the mysterious creature that accompanied her to Earth is also included along with the suitcase that was used as a transmission device in the series. She even comes with the two puppets that appeared in Kaito's daydreams as well as the ray gun that was used during the filming of a movie in the series!
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