From the anime series, 'Senki Zesshou Symphogear' comes a figma of the young girl who decides to fight against the Noise, Tsubasa Kazanari!
* Using the smooth yet posable joints of figma, you can act out a variety of different scenes.
* A flexible plastic is used for important areas, allowing proportions to be kept without compromising posability.
* She comes with a standard serious expression, a shouting face for combat scenes as well as a gentle smiling face.
* The katanas she uses to combat the Noise are included, along with the smaller dagger that can be stabbed into shadows to prevent movement.
* You can also pose her preforming the 'Reverse Rakshasa' attack using attachable blades for her legs.
* A posable figma stand is included, which allows various poses to be taken.
* Using the smooth yet posable joints of figma, you can act out a variety of different scenes.
* A flexible plastic is used for important areas, allowing proportions to be kept without compromising posability.
* She comes with a standard serious expression, a shouting face for combat scenes as well as a gentle smiling face.
* The katanas she uses to combat the Noise are included, along with the smaller dagger that can be stabbed into shadows to prevent movement.
* You can also pose her preforming the 'Reverse Rakshasa' attack using attachable blades for her legs.
* A posable figma stand is included, which allows various poses to be taken.
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