"Friendship is the key to saving the world"" in the popular anime series Vivid Red Operation, and from that series comes this 1/8th scale figure of the energetic and cheerful main character, Akane Isshiki!
The pose is based on a key visual illustration of Akane out on her part-time job as a newspaper delivery girl, riding 'Wanko', the hoverbike created by her grandfather! You can even see Akane's mayonnaise strap to the back of Wanko, showing just how much she loves her mayonnaise!
The pose is based on a key visual illustration of Akane out on her part-time job as a newspaper delivery girl, riding 'Wanko', the hoverbike created by her grandfather! You can even see Akane's mayonnaise strap to the back of Wanko, showing just how much she loves her mayonnaise!
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