From the anime series 'Osomatsu-san' comes a special figure based on an original illustration by character designer Naoyuki Asano that features all six of the Matsuno brothers together! The illustration was based on the opening theme of the anime series where the six brothers jump out together, and the figure faithfully captures the dynamic feel together with a detailed base and background that creates a complete scene for the figure!
Each of the characters has been carefully sculpted to capture their unique traits, while also carefully tuning the figure as a whole to create a high-quality work of art that fans will be proud to add to their collection! Whether you choose to look at it from a distance and enjoy the characters as a group, or instead look up close at your favorite characters - don't miss out on this amazing diorama figure!
Each of the characters has been carefully sculpted to capture their unique traits, while also carefully tuning the figure as a whole to create a high-quality work of art that fans will be proud to add to their collection! Whether you choose to look at it from a distance and enjoy the characters as a group, or instead look up close at your favorite characters - don't miss out on this amazing diorama figure!
Painted ABS&PVC complete product. Approximately 140mm in height.
Item Code : G94014
© 赤塚不二夫/おそ松さん製作委員会
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