Based on the anime Touken Ranbu -Hanamaru- comes Heshikirihasebe in his room wear. This highly detailed ARTFX J figure is a must for Touken Ranbu fans. Display alone or alongside other Touken Ranbu ARTFX J figures such as Shokudaikiri Mitsutada and the upcoming Tsurumaru Kuninaga!
The first pre-painted scaled figure of Heshikirihasebe from the popular anime Touken Ranbu -Hanamaru-! Perfect for display alone or alongside other Touken Ranbu ARTFX J figures such as Shokudaikiri Mitsutada and the upcoming Tsurumaru Kuninaga!
1/8 scale PVC(Phthalate-free) • ABS 227mm
Item Code: PP714
Touken Ranbu Hanamaru
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